The Lost Glory, The stave scene
by Wang Jixin Five years have passed so quickly, yet magnificently as I have worked continuously on my paintings of abandoned work places. The state-owned porcelain factory from the northeast Shen Yang’s Tie-si district has gone out of business 60 years ago. It still remains standing. This imposing industrial period carries a deep impression inside me; I feel a natural affinity towards this place. It has been abandoned by the giants of our social history…. read more Wang Jixin und das Porzellan by Angelica Bäumer Wang Jixin ist ein Künstler der uns Betrachtern das Verstehen leicht macht und das nicht nur mit seiner feinsinnigen Malerei und seinem technischen Können, sondern ganz besonders wegen dem Thema, das er gewählt hat: Er hat ein Teil der chinesischen Kulturgeschichte als Motiv entdeckt, das ihn tief berührt, das zwar zerstört wurde, aber doch nicht ausgelöscht werden kann… read more Wang Jixin in Jingdezhen – Auf den Spuren der Geschichte von Gerhard Thamm Keramik ist ein bedeutsamer Teil der Geschichte Chinas. Älteste Spuren reichen Jahrtausende[1] zurück als sich im Neolithikum allmählich Kultur und Tradition der chinesischen Töpferkunst zu entwickeln begannen. Erste glasierte Keramik wurde in China bereits vor rund viertausend Jahren gebrannt. Die Herstellung von echtem Porzellan, also von transparenter Keramik beginnt vermutlich in der Han-Zeit vor rund zweitausend Jahren. read more About rays of light which are falling into deserted halls by Alexandra Grimmer However the context in a painting may be cruel, hard, alarming or sad, its beauty should never be harmed and respecting the laws of elegance and dignity many things can be said in art. Wang Jixin’s paintings from the Fade refulgence[1]-series show working places: deserted places that now belong to China’s past, the Chinese history of manufactories and handmade crafts…. read more The Beauty of the Emptyness and Desolation after the Extremely Magnificence by Qiu Zhongming You can feel the great desolation on the first sight of the painting, but there is infinite inspiration beyond it. The works of the artist Wang Jixin who was born in the 1960’s are unavoidably have some idealized heroism, but place him into the categories as so called “realism” or the “expressionism” just for this reason is a kind of rush… read more Nostalgia, a Kind of Ideal and Persuit of Painting An interview with the painter Wang Jixin Lu Cangsong (the main editor of The Chinese Artistic Guide) 2005.6 When the wheel of the history rolls into the 21st century, the wave of the knowlege-based economy laps every corner of China. The neon lights and the huge billboards are everywhere to show the fashion and trend of the prosperous cities. The factory buildings and the blast furnace left by the industrial economy have become the heritage of the history and are stored on the margin of the cities. In a corner of the heavily modernized city, there is a painter who support his ideal and persuit of painting with his strong nostalgic feelings. For so many years, he persisted on painting those big factories which has lost its magnificence, the beams coming directly from the skylight, the melancholy and beautiful spots of dust… read more